Child walking on rocks

Should Children Take Risks?

We have begun to wrap our children up in cotton wool in order to keep them safe. Is this the right thing to do or should we be letting them get out there and experience some risks and dangers?

Childhood friends

True Friends

True friends are hard to come by. When you move house and relocate, it can be difficult to leave friends behind and build new ones. This is just what happened to me…

Game controller

Peer Pressure and Computer Games

We believe in basic childhood fun and allowing children to play and explore away from the computer, and tv as much as possible. However, we realise that technology has its place, it’s part of society and has a lot to offer children.

Baking with eggs

Preparing for a Birthday Party

When it comes to parties and takes preparation. It is my three children’s birthdays next week much preparation has been required.

Child watching TV

Kids TV Time

How much time do your kids spend in front of the TV and do you think it’s too much?

Young boy and teddy bear

Understanding Boys

Recently we have been having a few issues with my son and I have no idea how to solve them. What do you do when you struggle with a parenting issue?

Mum and Son

A Poem to My Son

Sometimes children don’t realise they are amazing. Sometimes children need help to recognise how special they are.

Alarm clock at 20 past 6

Morning Tips

Mornings with multiple small children can be tough. There are no easy answers to everyone’s morning chaos but here are a few tips I’ve learned over the years…

Parent walking with child

Imperfect Parenting

Striving for perfection is an impossible task. Life throws us many curve balls…parenting is not about perfection, it’s about learning how best to dodge those balls…

House rules, keeping score with pasta

House Rules for Kids

I have always cringed at the thought of having a ‘family meeting’, but I was feeling desperate, so decided to have a family discussion about the ‘house rules’.