Last week we were at Nana and Grandads caravan in the New Forest. We love it there, but staying in a caravan with three small children can be fraught at times, if you are not prepared. I have found the best thing to do is to take a few art or craft activities to do when the weather turns bad or the children get fractious.

My mum prepared a fun activity to make a fish windsock. The fish templates were downloaded here. My mum made our fish a little bigger. She cut them out ready for the children to decorate.
We all had fun sticking the eyes on our fish and then glueing the scales on to make them look good. We didn’t have enough scales to decorate both sides, so we drew on the other side. Mine became a rainbow fish and Pinky and Boo tried to copy me. Making fishy windsocks
Once decorated, we glued the edges together and made the fish as per the instructions from
I think they all turned out really well and looked very effective.
Now our fish were made, we went straight outside together to fly our windsocks. We held them out and watched them fly in the direction of the wind.
The wind was not too strong on this day, so we all ran up and down the road flying our fish behind us. This was loads of fun, my girls were giggling together the whole time.
It was a fantastic activity for the children, we were creative, got plenty of exercise and fresh air with lots of fun thrown in. What more could you want?
Funny how they can run for ages when they have something to fly behind them. They do look happy. Great fun
Wow I am so impressed these are amazing. So fun and no mess my kind of fun craft time. So creative to think of this. Looks like everyone was having a great time in the sun with them too. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me and giving me a few ideas for some crafty fun with no clean up. lol I love it