Doily Christmas Cards

Homemade Christmas cards are the best. They can be fun to make and are very personalised. I love searching Pinterest for ideas. Last year we had all a good time making some cute, simple, family reindeer fingerprint cards.

Doily Christmas Cards

This year, however, we haven’t had as much time to make the cards together, so I created these doily Christmas trees, which could be made by grown ups or by slightly older children who are good at folding paper. They are actually very simple.

To Make The Doily Christmas Cards You Will Need:

  • Coloured card (folded)
  • Doilies (not too big, make sure it fits on the card)
  • Glue
  • Star cutter or star stickers


  1. First, cut the doily in half.
  2. Find the centre of the half doily, then fold one corner into the centre.
  3. Fold the end point of that fold and fold it back on itself to the edge.
  4. Turn the doily over and fold the two edges together to make a tree shape.
  5. Glue the tree doily onto the card, add a star to the top and a happy christmas!

It really is simple to make and children could have fun making them too. Alternatively your children could add some fingerprints to the tree as baubles, which I think would be rather nice and the children would have fun too, always a bonus!

See Also
Fairy houses
Book Folding Fairy House
Mermaid dolls
Make Mermaid Peg Dolls