Preparing for the arrival of a baby is an exciting time – exciting, but busy. There is so much to be done and a limited number of months to get it all accomplished. From shopping for an itty-bitty wardrobe to childproofing every room of the house, you are likely to be hard at it from the moment you first realize that you will be welcoming a new family member.
One of the biggest tasks is decorating the nursery. Many people feel a bit intimidated about undertaking such an important job, but it really isn’t that difficult. You just need a plan.
Do Some Prep Work…
Begin by sizing up the baby’s room. Take exact measurements and write them down. Make a simple drawing of the room dimensions and be sure to mark the location of closets, windows, and doors.
Once you have an accurate and somewhat scale version of the room drawn, make a number of photocopies of your page. If you already have the furniture, measure the pieces.
Now you will be able to “re-arrange” the room on paper until you come up with a plan that pleases you. If you are still shopping for furniture, take your drawing along with you to help you choose pieces that will work well in the space you have.
Money Matters…
It can be awfully easy to get carried away when you are shopping — baby things are really cute — so it is important to start out with a spending plan. If you head into the stores without an idea of what you can afford, you are likely to walk away with mountains of adorable things along with mountains of debt.
However, if you do feel as though you want to make the nursery a special place for your baby and want to spend that little bit extra, you might decide to look at taking out a small personal loan which would be cheaper than paying by credit card.
There are plenty of cheap loans deals out there and an independent loans broker is an ideal person to turn to in order to get you the cheapest deal which suits your circumstances.
Think of ways to save money. If you plan to add another child to your family in a few years and have an extra bedroom, you may want to consider decorating the nursery in gender-neutral tones.
When it is time to welcome your next child, you can move your oldest to the new room and use the nursery for your second child without needing to redecorate two rooms.
When shopping for nursery furniture, try to find pieces that will “grow” with your child. Many cribs can be converted into toddler beds and even twin beds as your child grows.
Although they may be a bit more expensive at the start, they will likely save you money down the road. Also, avoid purchasing baby sized dressers. In just a few years, speciality items would need to be replaced.
If you will be having a baby shower, be sure to register for furniture, bedding and other baby room items! These things can really add up, so it is wonderful to receive them as gifts.

Decorating Advice
Looking for some painting advice or decorating tips?
Safety, above all else…
If you are using hand-me-down baby furniture or equipment, check to see that the items haven’t been recalled. A quick search on the internet and you can be assured that every item in your baby’s room is safe to use.
Mini-blinds are a popular choice for window treatments, but older blinds might not be safe; the long cords pose a strangulation hazard.
If the cords on your mini-blinds are not the modern, “break away” type, secure the blind cords up high, replace the blinds, or choose an alternate type of window treatment.
Check your entire house, and especially the baby’s room, for the presence of lead based paint. Home test kits are inexpensive and readily available.
If you locate lead paint in your home, it would be wise to seek the advice of a professional to secure its safe removal.
A few more things to consider…
Do you know the gender of the baby? If so, you may want to choose traditional pink, blue, or possibly a theme that has a gender preference.
If you do not know the baby’s gender, or if you simply prefer, white, ivory, soft yellow and mint green are popular colours for nurseries.
If you have the space, try to include a rocking chair or other comfortable seating in the nursery.
You will spend countless hours snuggling up with your little one, often in the wee hours of the night. A conveniently located rocking chair is sure to become one of your favorite items!
Finally, decorate your baby’s room using colours and themes that appeal to you.
In just a few short years your “baby” will have opinions of his/her own and the next time you are choosing room decor, you’ll have to consider the opinions of a pre-schooler!