All of our recipes tell you at the start what equipment and ingredients you need. It’s worth checking you have everything you need before you start cooking rather than digging through drawers and cupboards as you go!
Here’s some of the equipment we use most often in our recipes and as you cook more and experiment with a wider variety of recipes, you’ll find the further equipment useful too.
Basic Equipment
- Aprons
- Colander
- Chopping board
- Medium saucepan with lid
- Grater
- Weighing scales
- Measuring jug
- Can opener
- Pair of scissors
- Garlic press
- Sharp knife
- Vegetable peeler
- Wooden spoon or large heat-proof spoon
- Spatula or palette knife
Further equipment
- Tin foil
- Clingfilm
- Baking parchment
- Pastry brush
- Cooling rack
- Baking tray
- Slotted spoon
- Ladle
- Sieve
- Potato masher
- Rolling pin
- Set of measuring spoons